FTC Disclosure

At usacouponz.com, we strive to provide you with the most accurate reviews possible.

Being that we wish to be 100% compliant with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), we’d like to take this opportunity to disclose our relationship between the products and companies that are reviewed on usacouponz.com.

We sometimes receive free samples and special promotions from manufacturers so we may conduct an honest review of their products. However, we are never paid to do reviews.

We spend our own time and money to conduct thorough reviews of the products you see on usacouponz.com.

If we feel strongly enough about a product and feel it may be of benefit to our visitors, we may place a buy link and/or advertisement on usacouponz.com from which we’ll be paid a commission from any sales. But, again, we are never paid for our reviews nor do we accept reviews from third parties at this time.

Additionally, if you have any issues, questions or problems with the products being reviewed on usacouponz.com, please contact the manufacturer directly. We do not represent nor are we responsible for them.